The group company holds a special environmental protection training lecture

By LUQIAO Tue, 30 Jan 2024 GMT 37

On the afternoon of January 26th, the group company organized an environmental protection training lecture in the first conference room on the fourth floor, inviting Lu Shouzhou, Senior Engineer of the Pollution Sources and Monitoring Room of Shandong Ecological Environment Monitoring Center, to give a lecture. The leaders of the group company, responsible persons of the affiliated units stationed in Jinan, and environmental management personnel listened at the main venue. A total of 89 sub venues were opened for affiliated units and ongoing projects. Safety Director Cao Ming presides over the meeting.


The lecture is based on the principles of emphasizing utility, seeking practicality, and directly getting close to the front line of production and life. It focuses on the control of construction noise pollution and dust pollution, the management of non road mobile machinery, and the treatment of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in the equipment processing and manufacturing sector. It has good guiding significance for consolidating the foundation of frontline environmental management, refining the implementation of corporate environmental responsibilities, and promoting high-quality development of enterprises.

Cao Ming emphasized that ecological environment protection is a millennium long plan that is closely related to the sustainable development of the Chinese nation, and is closely related to enterprises and individuals.   We must adhere to the principle of "dual responsibilities for one position, shared responsibilities between the Party and the government, and accountability for dereliction of duty", improve our political stance, strengthen our ideological awareness, accelerate the construction of a green development system for enterprises while stabilizing growth and creating benefits, continuously build a solid defense line for environmental protection, actively maintain the corporate credit image, and fully promote the green, low-carbon, and high-quality development of the group company.